Thursday, November 30, 2006

Beat Big Ten Week ... Live!

The Drama,
The Suspense,
The Action,
Be a Witness…

Don’t miss a minute of the action!

Sunday, December 3
Bonfire Pep Rally after the 2PM women’s basketball game vs. Tulane at Millett Hall
Be a part of a new tradition ignited…
Free limited edition t-shirts for the first 100 students in attendance!

Monday, December 4
Petition Drive – Beat Michigan Basketball / Ohio State Hockey at Shriver Center and Bell Tower

Tuesday, December 5
Petition Drive continues – Beat Michigan Basketball / Ohio State Hockey at Shriver Center and Bell Tower
Big Ten Beatdown – starting at 5PM, students have the opportunity to smash an Ohio State/Michigan-themed car at the Phi Kappa Tau house on the corner of Sycamore and Talawanda

Wednesday, December 6
Gametime at the “House of Hoops” – Millett Hall
Women’s Basketball hosts Michigan at 7PM – Wear Red!
A limited number of t-shirts available for students!

Thursday, December 7
Gametime at the “House of Hoops” – Millett Hall
Men’s Basketball hosts Michigan at 8PM – Wear Red!
A limited number of t-shirts available for students!

Friday, December 8
“Road to the Joe” … Check out the CCHA Trophy as it tours Oxford on Friday and Saturday.
Here’s your chance to feel like a Champion! Get your picture taken with the trophy and the Shakerettes!

Saturday, December 9
Miami Ice Hockey battles Ohio State at Steve Cady Arena in the Goggin Ice Center, the puck drops at 7:05PM.
The CCHA trophy will make its final stop at Goggin. There will be giveaways and College Joe will be throwing out t-shirts between periods. Student seating available!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I'm loving the rain today. I also love that it's 65 degrees on November 29th.

Monday, November 27, 2006


I had a splendid Thanksgiving. One quite out of the ordinary for me. Because of our awesome football and volleyball schedule, Miami played a home FB game on Friday at noon and a VB tournament Friday and Saturday. I wasn’t able to go home for the first time and I feel a little bit bad for saying this, but honestly, it didn’t bother me. Probably because it didn’t even feel like a holiday to me. I enjoyed the students being away and not many people in the office. I took my time preparing for the weekend events and watched BBC's, "What Not To Wear"(ALL day). I did 5 loads of laundry and hung out with Tally. My time at the office was limited, (thank goodness I have a university laptop now), and there were no raccoon visits in the Yager Press Box (they were probably eating turkey with their family). The rest of the weekend was pretty good. Time spent with friends and co-workers, as well as on my own, is something I’m definitely thankful for.

Is anyone else not in the mood for Christmas yet? I didn’t get out any decorations this weekend. Maybe it’s the perfect 65 degree weather. I love it! Hope you had a good holiday and time to relax.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Top 5 Luxuries I hope to One Day Afford

Yes, I'm stealing from Rachel's blog.

1. A life away from work.
2. Travel
3. Nice(r) Clothes
4. My own house w/ amenities
5. Digital SLR Camera and time to take pictures (goes along with #1 and #2)

Monday, November 13, 2006

I came here to post and now I can't think of anything to write.

I didn't do much yesterday, but watch a couple movies and sleep. To be honest, that was the plan for the day, besides bible study, church, and Desperate Housewives, of course. The Lake House isn't a great movie, the concept just didn't catch for me. Things are still just as busy here, with basketball season starting. I need balance with work and life...still trying to figure that out.

So glad that I'm caught up with the rest of the world on LOST, but disappointed that it's not on again until February! See how sad my life is? Ha ha.