Monday, March 19, 2007

Here's an interesting bit of information I found out today. I just thought I would share it with the rest of you. I had no idea!

Stress buster

It is a great stress reliever, it quiets the mind and has the effects of meditation. If your mind still races while you're kissing someone, you are simply kissing the wrong person. Kissing the right person makes the experience relaxing, warm, passionate and tender. Kissing demands staying in the moment and it ought to have your total attention. Additionally, it induces many of the same brain wave and chemistry changes that meditation does. It induces a sense of peace and calm.

Burns calories

Kissing burns calories, too. Professor Bryant Stamford, of the University of Louisville, postulates that a deep, passionate kiss may double your basic metabolic rate and burn as many as two calories a minute. Do the math. Kissing for 15 minutes burns approximately 30 calories. If one were to kiss passionately for 15 minutes that might lead to other calorie burning activities such as sex which may, of course, lead to more passionate kissing. More passionate kissing could lead to more torrid sex, thereby creating a passion loop. This could be a more exciting expenditure of energy than climbing stairs or taking a walk for the very same result. It's not exactly a cardiovascular workout, but it certainly has a delightful place in a healthy lifestyle.

Tones facial muscles

French kissing? Think about those tongue muscles! Kissing can give them quite a workout. How about the muscles in your lips, cheeks, face and neck, etc? The possibilities are endless. It will make you smile, too; and that definitely will make you look better, happier and healthier.

Boosts immune system

While kissing isn't a replacement for brushing your teeth, it does provide extra saliva that washes bacteria off your teeth. And, speaking of bacteria, kissing boosts your immune system. By exchanging bacteria through a kiss you are stimulating your internal defence mechanism. Increases pleasure Kissing can be an exciting journey into sensuality. The lips are a bundle of nerve endings and, therefore, are very sensitive. Not even genitals have as much sensitivity as lips. Many times kissing induces other types of touching. We are a touch-deprived nation and, therefore, hugs are extremely therapeutic as well. Kissing, hugging and touching increase feelings of security and wellbeing. When our wellbeing improves our self-esteem increases. We feel more secure and better about ourselves, and our outer persona reflects it. Others can't help but notice. Therefore, the possibilities of self-improvement through the beneficial effects of kissing and what follows are endless.


Heidi said...

If kissing is that good for you, just imagine....

Rachel said...

wow, i can't believe you posted that.

Anonymous said...

i am going to guess [hope] that this is the first instance of the word "genitals" being used on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow - enjoyable exercise! That's what I like to hear. Thanks for such an interesting article x


joybird said...

i can't believe i posted that either! it all started when a co-worker and i were talking about ways to burn calories...

Erin said...

uhhhhh...yeah. um. I can't even have a response to that.