Friday, July 06, 2007


It was a pretty good Fourth of July. The festivities began Tuesday evening with a very small gathering at our house. It was a total of four that grew to six by the end of the night. Four of us played Mexican Train Game, which we temporarily changed the name to Freedom Train Wreck (drinking may or may not have been involved). We ordered pizza and walked to Papa John’s and continued the game. I had a lot of fun. Tanqueray goes pretty well with Fresca and lemonade.

Wednesday, I paid my Macy’s bill in the morning and ran a few other errands. Wednesday evening, John and I went to Brookville Lake to hang out with some of his friends/relatives that have a boat. We cruised out near the dam where the fireworks go off from. There was still plenty of time, so we went back near the bridge and were on our way back when some storm clouds moved in. It didn’t look to be too bad. Then all of a sudden the rain started a long with some very very strong winds. We couldn’t see anything around us hardly and were getting soaked by the sideways rain. All the boats made their way back to the boat ramp, but by the time we got back to the ramp, it cleared up.

It was still almost an hour before ten, so we made our way via car to the other side of the dam and caught the fireworks show there. It was a pretty good show and made up for the lame fireworks I saw last year in Oxford. They started out with the Star Spangled Banner and went into some other good songs (Proud to be an American, which I remember singing at 6th grade graduation). After the fireworks, we went back to the state park and sat by the campfire for awhile to dry out a little before driving back home. It was nice to be outside and hang out with some new people. And, I always love a good fireworks show…it doesn’t seem like the 4th without them!


Rachel said...

cool, glad you had a fun time.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen rain like that in my entire life! I could not see more then 100 feet in any direction. It was like being swallowed up. It was amazing!